Running at the Speed of Dog

A crisp, frosty morning; the sun rising to kiss the air with warmth. Just me and my dog.


I have recently started a new sport with Pip called Bikejoring; although, I prefer the term Urban Mushing. It’s exhilarating! I’m totally hooked and Pip seems incredibly happy that we can go places at her speed. Our bond has greatly strengthened since we started mushing. We work as a team to go places together, she leads the way, taking cues from me and making decisions when she needs to. I can’t think of anything else I would rather be doing with my dog.

We have gone on some really fun adventures so far and we plan to go on many more.

november 036

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I’m back

My summer was a bit crazy, my life turned upside down for a a few months, where it was just one bad thing after another. The worst part, was losing Odin. The house feels empty without our giant dog. I don’t think anyone will ever forget meeting Odin, he was often called a moose. I certainly will never forget him. He taught me more than any other dog I have met. It was truly an honor to be able to train with him. Although he is missed, life is also easier without him. He was a dog you had to watch, always. He was a trouble maker, but I would give anything to have him back. Screw an easy life. 

I miss you buddy, now you can run with your best friend Orion. 


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Titan, Odin, Zoe, Pip.

Hello reader, if you exist. This blog is mostly for me, to “catalog” some of my training adventures, but hopefully others will benefit from it too. I like to be helpful if I can be. I feel like I should start by introducing my dogs, who are only some of my four legged family members.

Titan, a 6 year old, deaf, Pit Bull.

He was my first dog and has helped me learn many things. I got Titan from a back yard breeder, something I didn’t really know about then. I was seventeen, had just gotten a job at a boarding kennel and I needed a dog to go to dog class with. So, against my mothers wishes, I went and picked up the cheapest puppy I found listed in the news paper. It was a 10 week old Pit Bull named Pinky. He was called Pinky because he had no hair; he was an ooey, gooey, scabby mess when I went to pick him up. They ended up giving him to me for free. I took him straight to the pet store, blew about $200 on food, treats, toys and home we went. The first words out of my mothers mouth when I walked through the door were “Did you go and get a puppy?” It was more threat than question. I replied “No.” Dropping Titan in her lap. She melted and the rest is history.


Odin, a 10 year old Great Dane, Saint Bernard cross.

Odin is not technically mine, he is my spouse’s dog. I love him like he is mine. I have been in Odin’s life since 2010, slowly working with his dog on dog reactivity. Sometimes I used to question how much I really loved Odin. He is a really big, pushy jerk. He is an escape artist and a counter surfer, he will attack other dogs if he can get to them, he has had my head in his mouth (we have done a lot of training since then). In 2011 we almost lost Odin to his second bout of Bloat, where his stomach twisted twice. That’s when I knew how much Odin meant to me, I was distraught at the thought of losing the big brindle guy. At his age, it was nothing short of a miracle that he lived. Although Odin is an older gentlemen, he is sill as goofy as when he was a pup (or so I’ve heard). Image

Zoe, a 2 1/2 year old Rottweiler cross.

Zoe had a hard start in life. She was taken away from her litter too soon, at four weeks old. She was taken home and kept there until she was six months old. She completely missed out on having good social experiences with people, dogs… the world. She began doggy daycare at six months old at the boarding facility I worked at. It was a nightmare for her. She was terrified of everything. Other dogs approaching made her squeal, pee and run for cover. After months of daycare and careful training Zoe was doing much better, but she still wasn’t a well socialized dog. Then her family decided to move, they left Zoe for boarding saying they would send for her. They never did. She spent three months in boarding and when it came time for her to go to the animal shelter I took her. I didn’t feel like she would pass a temperament test. Now I’m sure she would, but she will never have to.


Pip, a 1 1/2 year old Border Collie, Heeler, Labrador cross.

Pip came to me at 10 months old, she knocked on my door and when I opened it she said “Hi, I’m your new dog.” I said, “I don’t think so. I want another dog and you’re sweet… but you’re not what I’m looking for.” She barged in anyway. I tried to find her a home, really! I had several people interested because she is just so cute, but anyone who met her decided quickly not to take her. She is obnoxious. She is the dog I love and hate. I don’t really know how to describe her, if you’re curious, you’ll just have to meet her for yourself.


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A Wonderful Quote

“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring–it was peace.”
― Milan Kundera

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